No ringing today due to the high winds which are back with avengence! however -
Not strictly on the reserve but just to the North of the reserve by Nigel Lound on the beach at Skegness today (16th September 2011) sea watching produced the following between 0645 and 1200 -
x2 Red Throated Diver (North + x2 South)
x1 Black Throated Diver (Back and forth close in, seen on 7 occasions, last seen heading North)
x14 Manx Shearwater (North + 2 South)
x7 Sooty Shearwater (North)
x1 Balearic Shearwater (North)
x1 Cory's Shearwater (Probable went North at 11.30 though not enough on it for positive ID)
x5 Fulmar (North)
x490 Gannet (North + x135 South)
x220 Sandwich Tern (North)
x12 Common Tern (South)
x8 Commic' Tern (South)
x1 Kittiwake (Juvenile North)
x16 Great Skua (North + x3 South)
x14 Artic Skua (North + x5 South)
x2 Long Tailed Skua (North)
x5 Skua sp. (North + x1 South)
x254 Teal (South)
x110 Wigeon (South)
x4 Common Scoter (North + x9 South)
x7 Pink Footed Goose (East)
x3 Brent Goose (South)
x2 Guillemot (North)
x5 Auk sp. (North)