Mid September 2024

  King Charles III England Coast Path update: Lincolnshire County Council contractors have commenced work to clear scrub along the coast path route at the north end of the Nature Reserve.

  High Tides: Note that due to very high predicted tides this week, the flood barrier will be closed early mornings from Thursday to Sunday. There will be no access to the Visitor Centre Car Park until water levels over the road have receded.

September 20th. Cloudy, with fresh north-easterly wind.

 A busy autumn day commencing with over 100,000 waders on the high tide roost, 2 Cattle Egrets disappearing into the gloom out east, the Richard's Pipit still on the Old Saltmarsh edge, 2 Honey Buzzards and at least 3 Yellow-browed Warblers, with sightings at Mill Hill, North Car Park, West Dunes and the Plantation. A Cattle Egret was on Tennyson's sands with 2 Great White Egrets, a  Curlew Sandpiper and a Common Sandpiper. Other birds around  were 3 Redstart (including 1 ringed) , a Pied Flycatcher, 7 Stonechat, 4 Whinchat, several new Song Thrushes and a Redwing, the regular Hobby and 4 Marsh Harriers.

 A morning ringing session in East Dunes produced 10 new birds: a Chiffchaff, 2 Robin, 2 Blackcap, a Tree Pipit, 2 Goldfinch, a Redstart and a Dunnock; and 2 retraps: a Robin and a Chiffchaff.

Honey Buzzard 19th September 2024. 
Photos - Nick Crouch

Yellow-browed Warbler, 19th September 2024. 
Photo - Nick Crouch

Wader flocks leaving the roost, 19th September 2024. 
Photo - Nick Crouch

High tide near Bird Observatory, 20 September 2024.
Photo - George Gregory

High tide near Bird Observatory, 20 September 2024.
Photo - George Gregory

Tree Pipit, ringed 20 September 2024.
Photo - George Gregory

Redstart, ringed 20 September 2024.
Photo - George Gregory

September 19th. Cloudy, with fresh north-easterly wind.

It was fairly quiet at sea with a few Arctic Skuas and a Single Pomarine Skua heading north then south, but more attention was paid to the wader roost with very good numbers of Knot again present. There was a noticeable increase of wildfowl: Wigeon and Teal, with a few Pintail and over 1000 Pink-footed Geese. Despite the favourable winds, there wasn't a significant arrival of migrants - if anything, numbers of Robin, Chiffchaff and Stonechat had decreased. However, the first 3 Redwings of the autumn passed through, a Yellow-browed Warbler was found in West Dunes and a Honey Buzzard arrived over East Dunes, possibly settling further north. A Richard's Pipit found on the edge of Old Saltmarsh showed well at times. Other birds around included the regular adult Hobby around the beach area, a Redstart, a Pied Flycatcher, 2 Tree Pipit, 2 Wheatear, a Kingfisher and a Cattle Egret.

 A morning ringing session in East Dunes yielded 5 new birds: 2 Robin, a Reed Warbler, a Linnet and a Song Thrush; and 2 retraps: a Wren and a Dunnock.

Richard's Pipit, 19th September 2024. 
Photos - Nick Crouch

Kingfisher, 19th September 2024. 
Photos - Bob Smith

September 18th. Cloudy, with fresh north-easterly wind.

 A morning sea-watch started off busy with 15 Red-throated Divers, single Long-tailed Skua, Pomarine Skua, Bonxie and Manx Shearwater along with Arctic Skuas, Gannets, Sandwich and Common Terns and some wildfowl coming in. It was generally quiet in the dune scrub but new arrivals in the afternoon included 3 Whinchat, 13 Stonechat, and a Red-breasted Flycatcher. The latter was around for about an hour and was not in a public area.

 A morning ringing session in East Dunes provided 3 new birds: a Wren, a Robin and a Whinchat; and 3 retraps: 2 Robin and a Dunnock.

Red-breasted Flycatcher, 18th September 2024. 
Photos - Sam Goddard

Whinchat, ringed 18 September 2024.
Photo - George Gregory

September 17th. A bright blue sky start to the day with occasional cloud and a light north-easterly wind.

  A good day with a Whinchat on East Dunes Frontage and a Stonechat on Old Saltmarsh. Heading north-west were about 200 Pink-footed Geese, south-east about 70 Pink-footed Geese, and  south a Siskin. A Firecrest was calling in the Plantation. A Common Rosefinch was discovered in East Dunes just north of Sleeper Track, presumably yesterday's bird, which moved later towards Mill Hill. A few minutes later a Barred Warbler was also discovered close by in East Dunes. 
  On Tennyson's Sands there were 3 Bar-tailed Godwits, 2 Spotted Redshanks, 19 Spoonbills and 2 Hobby hunting over the lagoons. At midday, a Greenland White-fronted Goose was discovered with the Pink-footed Geese present.

  Well over 5000 Sanderling were along the beach at high tide with many of the birds noted being juveniles. In total, over 90,000 waders came up to the roost on the evening tide - that's 90,000 objections already to a Wash Barrage project! See - 
  A morning ringing session in East Dunes produced 12 new birds: 2 Goldcrest, a Wren, a Chiffchaff, 3 Robin, a Cetti's Warbler, a Chaffinch, a Blackcap, a Dunnock and a Sparrowhawk; and a retrap Robin.

Sanderling and Dunlin, 17th September 2024. 
Video - Kev Wilson

Sparrowhawk, ringed 17 September 2024.
Photo - George Gregory

Barred Warbler, 17th September 2024. 
Photo - Kev Wilson

Greenland White-fronted Goose, 17th September 2024. 
Photo - Rob Watson

Greenland White-fronted Goose, 17th September 2024. 
Photo - Jack Hood

September 16th. A clear, soggy start to the day, with occasional broken cloud drifting through on a very light north-easterly wind.

  Highlight of the day was a Common Rosefinch trapped and ringed at the Bird Observatory at 7am, a Sparrowhawk over East Dunes, and about 1000 Pink-footed Geese heading north-west out of the Wash.
Other birds around included 3 Marsh Harrier, a Hobby, a Merlin, 2 Redstart, a Pied Flycatcher, a Cetti's Warbler, a Bullfinch, a further increase of Robins, good numbers of Chiffchaffs and several Goldcrests. The highlight of an evening sea watch was a Sooty Shearwater heading north.

  A morning ringing session in East Dunes resulted in 11 new birds: a Wren, a Chiffchaff, 3 Robin, a Whitethroat, a Linnet, a Blackcap, a Reed Warbler, a Reed Bunting and a Common Rosefinch; and 2 retraps: a Blackcap and a Dunnock.

Common Rosefinch, ringed 16 September 2024.
Photo - George Gregory

Pink-footed Geese, 16th September 2024. 
Photo - Tom Baker

Spoonbills, 16th September 2024. 
Photo - Tom Baker

Shoveler, 16th September 2024. 
Photo - Tom Baker

Kingfisher, 16th September 2024. 
Photo - Tom Baker

September 15th. Fairly cool start, with some cloud and a light to moderate south-westerly wind.

  Heading north-west out of the Wash very early morning were 370 Pink-footed Geese. A good morning for visible migration saw hundreds of House Martins, Swallows and Meadow Pipits pass south with 40 Sand Martins, 4 Rock Pipits, 3 Grey Wagtails, a Hobby and the first good indication of autumn Finch movement with Goldfinches, Linnets and Chaffinches. Offshore, groups of Teal and 4 Pintail headed south with a Black Tern, 40 Sandwich Terns and 4 Great Crested Grebes. There were also 6 Snipe around during the day.

  Three Great White Egrets were over Tennyson's Sands early morning having arrived from the north, whilst also on Tennyson's Sands were 184 Black-tailed Godwit, a Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper, a Spotted Redshank, 2 Greenshank and a Ruff. A Wheatear, 2 Stonechats and a Whinchat were around the Visitor Centre, with other Whinchats on the Freshwater Marsh and East Dunes possibly new arrivals. Also, 3 Pied Flycatcher and a Redstart around the west side were probably new in with another slight increase of Chiffchaffs and Robins.

   A morning ringing session in East Dunes provided 6 new birds: a Robin, a Blackcap, a Reed Bunting, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, a Wren and a Chiffchaff; and a retrap Redstart.

Chiffchaff, 15th September 2024. 
Photo - Paul Neale
Blackcap, 15th September 2024. 
Photo - Paul Neale
Wheatear, 15th September 2024. 
Photo - Paul Neale
Great White Egrets, 15th September 2024. 
Photo - Paul Neale
September 14th. Another cool start quickly warming up with broken cloud quickly dispersing on a light south-south-westerly wind.

  There were 2 Kingfishers on Mill Pond, whilst on the sea out from Mill Hill was a Shag early morning. About 400 Pink-footed Geese flew north-west. Around the East Dunes were 3 Redstart, a Whinchat, 5 Goldcrest, 8 Chiffchaff, 3 Willow Warbler and 22 Robin. 2 Stonechats and a Wheatear were around Rock Ridge. The male Hen Harrier was out from the Wash Viewpoint late afternoon, whilst another Harrier arrived from the north early evening and flew down West Dunes a short time later. This bright juvenile was judged to be a Hen Harrier. Whilst heading south during the day were 160 House Martin.

  Seven juvenile Grass Snakes were found together under cover in the West Dunes today - a very encouraging record after only a few sightings of adults reported this year.

 A morning ringing session in East Dunes produced 4 new birds: a Goldcrest, a Robin and 2 Blackcap; and 2 retraps: a Redstart and a Robin.

Hen Harrier, 14th September 2024. 
Photos - Sam Goddard
Hen Harrier, 14th September 2024. 
Photos - Sam Goddard
Hen Harrier, 14th September 2024. 
Photos - Sam Goddard

Grass Snake, 14th September 2024. 
Photo - Kev Wilson
September 13th. A cool start to the day again despite the clear conditions and, again, occasional cloud drifting through on the light westerly breeze.

  Early news involved a Short-eared Owl and a male Hen Harrier over Old Saltmarsh, and 2 Spoonbills flying from the estuary towards the water bodies. Later there were 31 Spoonbill on Tennyson's sands where water Rails continued to show well. Also on Tennyson's Sands were 322 Black-Tailed Godwits, 2 Spotted Redshank, 1 Greenshank, 1 Ruff, 1 Common Sandpiper and 1 Snipe with 38 Little Grebe.

  After yesterday's good Fulmar and Shearwater passage, there were high expectations for another good sea-watch, but, unfortunately, a strange haze rendered the sea and everything passing over it beyond a certain distance appearing pixelated. There was another passage of Pink-footed Geese crossing to Norfolk, and 2 Pale-bellied Brent Geese flew north.

  A morning ringing session in East Dunes yielded 17 new birds: a Willow Warbler, a Chiffchaff, 6 Robin, 4 Blackcap, a Sedge Warbler, a Whitethroat, a Goldfinch, a Redstart and a Song Thrush; and a retrap Wren.

Following recent announcements made about the King Charles III England Coast Path, the map below shows the section of the route connecting Gibraltar Point that is not open. 

Water Rail, 13th September 29024. 
Photo - Jack Hood
Water Rail juvenile, 13th September 29024. 
Photo - Jack Hood
September 12th. A cool start to the day despite the clear conditions, broken cloud drifting through on on the light westerly breeze which increased later.

  On the reserve during the day were a Short-eared Owl, a male Hen Harrier, up to 7 Marsh Harriers, 11 Buzzard, a Merlin and a Peregrine. The Bearded Tit was seen again from the Mere Hide, whilst on Tennyson's Sands there were 2 Spotted Redshank, 4 Green Sandpiper, 1 Common Sandpiper, 350 Black-tailed Godwit, 92 Avocet, 337 Pink-footed Geese (With another 150 south), 300 Canada Goose and 60 Greylag Goose. 170 Golden Plover flew south.

  Other migrants on the reserve included at least 16 Chiffchaff, 3 Willow Warbler, a Cetti's Warbler (From Harvey's Hide), 2 Grey Wagtail and a Redstart.

  The strengthening wind late afternoon prompted a sea watch which turned out to be very productive despite the first hour being relatively quiet. However, between just after 5 pm, Fulmars started to move and after 2.5 hours , a total of 155 had flown north - this is the highest count for a number of years. Also involved in the movement, 18 Sooty Shearwaters, 4 Manx Shearwaters, 12 Arctic Skua and 2 Great Skua with good numbers of Gannet, Kittiwake and Sandwich Tern.

  A morning ringing session in East Dunes provided 11 new birds: 2 Chiffchaff, a Wren, a Reed Warbler, 2 Redstart, a Blackcap, 3 Robin and a Dunnock.

Male Redstart, ringed 12 September 2024.
Photo - George Gregory

Spotted Redshanks with Avocets, 12th September 2024. 
Photo - Jack Hood

September 11th. Fairly cold, clear start, with increasing westerly wind.

  A different feel to the morning with 3 Goldcrest and a Song Thrush being the first birds recorded shortly after donning a woolly hat and gloves ! Over the East Dunes, another good morning for visible migration with Meadow Pipits and House Martins being the main birds on the move, with fewer Swallows and a few Tree Pipits, Yellow Wagtails and Grey Wagtails again. A newly arrived male Hen Harrier was hunting the outer dunes and mobbed by a Hobby while two Merlin were also around the foreshore. A fair number of Chiffchaffs were in the dunes and around the Plantation.

  Other migrants seen included 6 Willow Warbler, 5 Stonechat, 5 Whinchat, 3 Pied Flycatcher, 3 Spotted Flycatcher, 3 Redstart, 1 Garden Warbler and 1 Wheatear whilst 32 Spoonbill were on Tennyson's Sands.

  A wind-shortened morning ringing session in East Dunes produced 17 new birds: a Chiffchaff, 2 Willow Warbler, a Whitethroat, 9 Robin, a Redstart, 2 Meadow Pipit and a Tree Pipit; and 2 retraps: a Wren and a Great Tit.

Juvenile Sparrowhawk, 11th September 2024. 
Photo - Paul Neale
Spotted Flycatcher, 11th September 2024. 
Photo - Paul Neale
Willow Warbler, 11th September 2024. 
Photo - Paul Neale
Willow Warbler, 11th September 2024. 
Photo - Paul Neale
Wheatear, 11th September 2024. 
Photo - Paul Neale
Tree Pipit, ringed 11 September 2024.
Photo - George Gregory