Early March 2025

3rd March. Starting cold with a light frost but bright and sunny again through the day. Another light passage involved Chaffinches, Siskins and a few Rooks and Jackdaws with another Raven heading south. A Green Sandpiper on the Fenland Lagoon was new for the year, with Water Pipit and Kingfisher also there and a Stonechat on the adjacent bank. Three Song Thrushes were in song in various areas - also encouraging was a vocal Grey Partridge.

Rooks, 3rd March 2025. 
Photo - Tom Baker
Whooper Swan, 3rd March 2025. 
Photo - Tom Baker
Pintail, 3rd March 2025. 
Photo - Tom Baker
Gadwall, 3rd March 2025. 
Photo - Tom Baker
Stonechat, 3rd March 2025. 
Photo - Tom Baker
Siskin, 3rd March 2025. 
Photo - Tom Baker

2nd March. A light overland passage was headlined by 15 Siskin and fewer Chaffinches, Rock Pipits, Rooks and 2 Stock Doves heading south. The morning tide produced another good wader roost. Three owl species were recorded today;barn, tawny and Short-eared. Other birds around included Hen Harrier, Marsh Harrier, 60 Golden Plover, 12 Redwing, Cetti's Warbler and Kingfisher. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was drumming in the Plantation and in the evening 8 Water Pipits came in to roost.

Barn Owl, 2nd March 2025. 
Photo - Mike Watts
Little Grebe, 2nd March 2025. 
Photo - Paul Neale
Mute Swan, 2nd March 2025. 
Photo - Mike Watts
Marsh Harrier, 2nd March 2025. 
Photo - Paul Neale
Tufted Duck, 2nd March 2025. 
Photo - Paul Neale
Shoveler, 2nd March 2025. 
Photo - Paul Neale
Oystercatcher, 2nd March 2025. 
Photo - Paul Neale

 1st March. A frosty and foggy start giving way to another bright and sunny day later. Birds of prey included Marsh Harrier, Short-eared owl and Barn Owl. Several Corn Buntings were in song as the flock went to roost.

Barn Owl, 1st March 2025. 
Photo - Ste Taylor
Redshank, 1st March 2025. 
Photo - Ste Taylor