28th February. A cold and frosty morning becoming bright and sunny and even warm in one or two sheltered spots. A good day for counting common birds around the census area, some overland migration of finches, and a good number of waders on the evening tide; 2880 Oystercatcher, 265 Curlew, 250 Golden Plover, 2630 Bar-tailed Godwit, 16000 Knot, 3300 Grey Plover, 580 Sanderling and 6000 Dunlin. Both Barn and Short-eared owls were hunting the Old Saltmarsh. Other birds seen included Great White Egret, 25 Corn Bunting and a Water Pipit.
27th February. A chilly morning with some light rain and increasing north-westerly wind. Back in the 1980's a trip to Wales may have been an annual undertaking for a good chance of seeing Red Kite, Raven and Peregrine. Remarkable that all three had been recorded in the first hour of the day over the Reserve this morning! - Chough next ?
A fair number of Auks were moving offshore, with a Puffin heading south before landing. Single Med Gull and 2 Kittiwakes were amongst the gulls moving and there were various Eider, Common Scoter, Red-breasted Merganser and Red-throated Divers.
The wader roost on the evening high tide involved 2360 Grey Plover, 1250 Bar-tailed Godwit, 7560 Knot, 455 Sanderling and 6080 Dunlin.
Other birds around included Barn Owl and Short-eared owl hunting the Old Saltmarsh, 2 Peregrine, 3 Stonechat and a Marsh Harrier.
26th February. A light frost with a south-westerly breeze that encouraged some overland migration including Siskins, Chaffinches and Rock Pipits, but then moderate rain from mid morning and a hail shower later in the day. 10 Whooper Swans were again roosting on Tennyson's Sands with 17 Pintail, 8 Avocets and 27 Black-tailed Godwits around the lagoons. Out on Croftmarsh, a party of 5 Stonechats were likely new arrivals. Long-tailed Tits using their feet to assist with feeding was news to us ! Thanks to Mike Watts for the info and photos.
25th February. The morning started with a singing Chiffchaff around North Car Park - seemingly at least 2 weeks early. Two Song Thrush and a Goldcrest were also amongst the singers today, with a Green Woodpecker yaffling regularly.10 Whooper Swans had roosted overnight again and Geese were on the move, with 140 Brents heading north-east out of the Wash and 150 Pinkfeet heading north-west in two skeins. Visible migration was very good for late Feb (when we would not usually expect much) and included; Woodpigeons, Stock Doves, Skylarks, Rock Pipits, Chaffinches, Siskins, Greenfinches and Goldfinches, Rooks, Starlings, Lapwings and Golden Plover, with highlights of Red Kite, Brambling and Grey Wagtail all moving south. At least 2 Great White Egrets were mobile around the lagoons and marshes and birds of Prey included 3 Sparrowhawk, 2 Marsh Harrier and the regular Hen Harrier.
24th February. Some good visible migration and good variety of birds off shore this morning. The highlights of vis mig were 3 Woodlark south- the first of the year. Also heading south 800 Lapwing, 35 Golden Plover, 23 Red-throated Diver, 5 Pintail , 2 Red-breasted Merganser, a Great White Egret, 220 Starling, several Chaffinch and Skylark and a good passage of Gulls. 120 Eider were on the Haven.
23rd February. New arrivals on the lagoons this morning included 8 Avocet, 3 Great White Egret and the first Spoonbill of the year. 15 Whooper Swans left the roost to the south and were followed by another 4 later. No further reports of the Black Brant but 3 White-fronted Geese were with a single Barnacle. Overland passage was noted again and included several parties of Starlings and Redwings along with small numbers of Chaffinch, Skylark, Greenfinch and Siskin. Other birds around included 2 Marsh Harrier and 2 Water Rail.
22nd February. A mild and calm morning but very poor visibility over the sea. However, there was some noticeable visible migration involving 150 Lapwings, 120 Redwings, several Chaffinches, Skylarks and a Siskin. An Avocet on Tennyson's Sands was the first of the year, with 8 Whooper Swans also there. Other birds around included Marsh Harrier, Barn Owl and 3 Water Pipits.
21st February. A much milder day with good bouts of sunshine and a strong south-westerly breeze. The Black Brant was again with the Brent flock on Tennyson's Sands with 13 Whooper Swans present also early morning. 13 White-fronted Geese were on local fields and other birds around included 500 Lapwing, 24 Redwing, Mistle Thrush and Song Thrush.